The matrix path of neo video
The matrix path of neo video

the matrix path of neo video

Players get to view and participate in much of Neo's training in the Construct.However, if caught too early, such as in the office cubicles, the player will only get the ability to restart, and they will be unable to go into custody. The player unlocks a secret if they escape successfully as planned by Morpheus, but if they are caught by the Agents or the security force, the player is given the option to restart the level from a checkpoint or continue the game by "going into the custody of the Agents", forfeiting the bonus. The original plan continues as Neo heads down the central fire stairway, including a brief meeting with Agent Smith, and through a warehouse where Trinity awaits on her motorcycle. Anderson), the player is given an option to escape the Agents using Morpheus' original plan told to the character in The Matrix: Get to a scaffold and to the top of the building. When the Agents arrive at MetaCortex to detain Neo ( Thomas A.The game then returns the player to the level select screen. If the Blue Pill is taken, however, Morpheus will express his disappointment as Neo awakens from the dream, presumably at the start of the film.Failure gives only the Easy and Medium skill options. If the player is able to beat Smith, they are allowed to choose the highest difficulty (The One) or the lower difficulties. If the Red Pill is taken, the player is taken to a dream version of the lobby where a series of enemies appear to challenge Neo, from a basic police guard, SWAT forces, an Agent, a Vampire Exile, and Agent Smith.The player begins the game in a dream sequence of Neo's first meeting with Morpheus where the player is given the in-game choice to take the Bluepill or the Redpill.

#The matrix path of neo video movie#

"Path of Neo" follows many major events of the movie trilogy, but in the need for more expansive gameplay, new adventures that occur between the movies The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded were added on.

The matrix path of neo video